And Now, Here We Are …
At this point, one can’t help but ponder the
words of the famous Sinatra Tune –
(P. Anka)
And now the end is near
And so we face the final curtain… . The one that we close upon entering The
On one hand we have the controversial, embattled,
sometimes embittered, seriously flawed Candidate. And, on the other side, there’s
Donald Trump – foul-mouthed, ill-tempered, misogynist, xenophobic, Tax and
Draft Dodging, Donald J. Trump: Billionaire - He owns a mansion and a yacht…(‘eh,
what’s up Doc. ?’).
The fight, along the way to this moment, has
been at times, seemingly unavoidably, bitter, emotional, nasty, and surrounded
by occasional violence and heated confrontation. Trump has outright lied
repeatedly, (although many say Mrs. Clinton has as well), boasted of Sexual
Assault, as well as ‘Shooting someone on Fifth Ave, without losing a vote’, and
donating ‘Tens of Millions of Dollars…’ to charity, which no one seems able to
locate. No doubt Trump could commit Murder on Fifth Ave., ‘without losing a
single vote’ among his rampant supporters, but he probably wouldn’t gain any
votes, which he most desperately needs to do. Presently, Trump, enjoys a vociferous,
and hearty backing from his followers, clearly a Minority, which does not equal
the 270 Electoral Votes needed to win.
Donald Trump has bilked dozens of fraud
victims out of Thousands of Dollars in the phony ‘Trump University’ scheme. He
also stated that a Judge in one of the ensuing Fraud Cases could not render an
impartial verdict because ‘he is Mexican, I’m building a wall, George, he’s
Mexican…’, Trump explained to a legitimately baffled George Stephanopoulos on
ABC News. The Judge in the Case, Gonzalo Curiel, was born and raised in Indiana
(which was also legitimately baffled upon hearing they were now part of
Mexico). Judge Curiel’s parents emigrated to the U.S. from Mexico and are
Naturalized U.S. Citizens.
Speaker Paul Ryan, the Country’s Top Republican, denounced Trump’s comments as ‘the
essence of Racism’, but said he still intends to vote for him. Ryan is going to
vote for the essential Racist, Donald Trump.
I too, am baffled, at how anyone raising daughters,
anyone with a wife, sister, niece, a mother, could support a candidate who
views Women as a ‘piece of ass’, to be ‘grabbed by the p***y, worked like a
bitch…’. Look your pre-teen or teenage daughter in the face and explain how
that is acceptable.
Upon his majestic escalator descent heralding
his Presidential Campaign announcement, Trump denounced Mexican Immigrants to
the U.S. as Rapist, Murdering, Drug Dealers. Good Luck with the Latino Vote,
There’s also Trump’s famous Border Wall, a
fairytale in which Mexico pays for a fortress-like wall on the U.S./Mexico
Border. I hope everyone can understand that even if Trump could be President,
manage to erect said wall, both former and the current President of Mexico
insisted Mexico ‘would never’, ‘under any circumstances’, Pay for Trump’s Wall.
Trump insulted the Gold Star, Kahn Family as
belonging to a Religion that forbade Mrs. Kahn from speaking in public. Mrs.
Kahn later explained, ( on Broadcast News), that she was still, this many years
later, still too grief-stricken at the loss of her son who died heroically in
combat while serving in the U.S. Army, to speak publicly. Thanks Donald,
Ah, well. So much for the un-electable Donald
J. Trump. That leaves us with Hillary Clinton. The main issue she has faced has
been primarily, her private e-mail server while U.S. Secretary of State under
President Obama, and the subsequent deletion of 30,00 e-mails. Hillary Clinton
has maintained that most of those e-mails were personal and private, and that
she is not absolutely certain what was in the remainder of the missing notes.
Pathetic. Still Better, than the misogynist, swindling bigot the GOP has
Mrs. Clinton also has been taken to task regarding
the dreadful 9/11/12 Attack against the U.S. Diplomatic Outpost in Benghazi.
While there were in fact dramatic and devastating failures by Secretary Clinton, and others, in both State Department debacles, there was no finding of Criminality, or
Willful Intent to deceive, in either of these exhaustively investigated and
publicized affairs. Dreadful State Department failures included, Still Better
than Trump.
Also exhaustively
Investigated and Publicized, The Clinton Foundation. Despite repeated
allegations, mostly from Trump, about an imaginary Pay-for-Play Scheme
involving the Foundation and the State Dept. Again no finding of Criminality
or Willful Intent. Remarkably, The Clinton Foundation is still authorized to solicit
Donations in New York State, while the Trump Foundation is not. Many say (a
now-popular Trump-ism for avoiding actual Sources),’Many people are saying…’,
that this is because New York has a Democratic Governor, and Democratic
Attorney General. The N.Y. State Attorney General, Eric Schniderman however, maintains
that the Trump Foundation is an illicit operation which repeatedly misused
funds from Charitable Donations in New York, and is therefore prohibited from
operation there. Clinton Still Better.
side has had a few regrets, done what they thought they have had to do, and saw
it through without exemption. Now it’s upon us to decide. As Paul Ryan and Sen.
Ted Cruz (R-Texas), have said: Vote your conscience. I hope that please, you
will first truly examine your conscience.