Wednesday, September 25, 2019

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi + POTUS Donald J. Trump = Impeachment

Speaker Pelosi – Cautious, Procedural, Deliberate. Pres. Trump – Lawless, Reckless, Disdainful. Inevitable End Result – Impeachment.  

Six Days ago, I posted that Impeachment loomed; turns out …
Finally, here we are. Speaker of the House of Representatives, (3rd in line of succession), has finally caved to the momentous pressure for formal Impeachment proceedings in the House. She has been patient, deliberate and determined in maintaining a cautious stance toward Impeachment, but now, enough is enough.

Readers who follow this blog know I’ve called for Impeachment since January of 2017.  Perhaps too soon for most Americans but, I believe, credible nonetheless. Now, in plain sight, Pres. Trump has betrayed this nation in an intolerable manner and Speaker Pelosi has finally had enough.
Anyone paying any attention to my meanderings knows that I favor Democrats, and am somewhat Left-leaning, (Pardon me). That said, I strive for objectivity in my presentation here, (Frequently unsuccessfully).   As you can imagine, Ms. Pelosi’s hesitation has been personally aggravating. However, one must acknowledge and accept Speaker Pelosi’s delay as her right.

Nancy Pelosi has had her own legitimate concerns in her cautious approach in initiating Impeachment proceedings, maddening as they may be. I’m somewhat of a lukewarm supporter, of the Speaker. In some instances I believe her to be too liberal, and in others, not liberal enough. So be it. Her hesitant, cautious, maddening restraint is born of experienced deliberation.
Ms. Pelosi, 79, has been a Member of Congress for over 30 Years.  She was present in Congress for the 3 Month Impeachment Proceedings of Pres. Bill Clinton. She was witness to that experience, and that and other Congressional experience contribute to her cautious proceeding, as maddening as it may be to some of us. She’s no kid, and this ain’t her first rodeo.
Now though, Mr. Trump has gone too far. His lawless reckless abandon has generated enough revulsion that even hesitant, cautious observers have been compelled to drastic reaction. Seven Members of Congress, from Trump-leaning Districts and a lot to lose, publicly called for Impeachment proceedings.
 These Members have in common, years of dedicated patriotic service to the United States. They have served in U.S. Intelligence and Combat Service. Collectively, having put All on the line to Protect, Defend, and Serve the Constitution, were compelled to action, in opposition to a President operating in direct defiance of such noble principals.
While Ukrainian Soldiers, (U.S. Allies, by the way), are fighting and dying in repelling a Russian Invasion, Pres. Trump sought to leverage U.S. Support to his own Political advantage. Enough.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Bottom: It’s Time (please see previous post 9/19/19)

The Time has finally come for Donald J. Trump to leave office. He probably should have never been in Office in the first place, but once in; it became clear quickly, that this was a tragic mistake and he needs to leave.
Respected, experienced, former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance hit the nail on the head – ‘A president can’t offer US aid to a foreign country in exchange for prosecution of a political opponent’.
I’m not an Attorney, but, I Can Read:
18 U.S. Code §872.Extortion by officers or employees of the United States
(C) the term “extortion” means an offense that has as its elements the extraction of anything of value from another person by threatening or placing that person in fear of injury to any person or kidnapping of any person;  source:
I believe that $250 Million in U.S. Aid to Ukraine is ‘ a thing of value’, and that the threat of a Russian Invasion of Ukraine places many persons ‘in fear of injury’. And probably kidnapping as well.

“As the 2020 election draws closer, President Trump and his personal attorney appear to have increased pressure on the Ukrainian government and its justice system in service of President Trump’s reelection campaign, and the White House and the State Department may be abetting this scheme,” the chairmen of the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight committees wrote, citing media reports that Trump had threatened to withhold $250 million in aid to help Ukraine in its ongoing struggle against Russian-backed separatists.
Therefore; it is apparent, that Pres. Trump and his Team, held-up the Congressionally-approved and previously agreed to Aid, in order to force Ukrainian Authorities to investigate Trump’s political opponents.
There is concern about the Acting DNI consulting the Justice Dept. about the whistle-blower complaint, as the Law clearly states that the DNI’s next step should be to notify Congress before doing anything else.
“The law is “very clear” that the whistle-blower complaint must be handed over to Congress”, said Senator Angus King of Maine, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats. “The inspector general determines what level of concern it is,” Mr. King, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in an interview. “Once the determination is made,” he added, the director of national intelligence “has a ministerial responsibility to share that with Congress — it is not discretionary.” NY Times By Julian E. BarnesNicholas FandosMichael S. Schmidt and Matthew Rosenberg Published Sept. 19, 2019Updated Sept. 20, 2019, 8:48 a.m. ET

House Speaker N. Pelosi needs to move beyond her desperation to maintain a Democratic majority in the House, which is entirely understandable but now secondary, and permit Impeachment Proceedings to progress.
This all is good old, gangster-land Extortion, and should be treated and prosecuted as such. Finally, let’s have Sam Adams summarize -
‘If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country shall stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin’  Samuel Adams  1722 – 1803

Thursday, September 19, 2019

DNI-NSC News / Trump Sharpie Signs Obama’s Wall

Hitting Bottom – DNI-NSC News / Trump Sharpie- Signs Obama’s Wall

Recovering Alcoholics and Addicts talk about having to ‘Hit Bottom’ before being able to be ‘restored to sanity’ and get sober. Looking at the present state of affairs; I wonder if the same is true for the Trump-Administration: have they yet Hit Bottom, or do they intend to keep digging before displaying sane and sober behavior?

The latest insane display of lack of stable behavior is the National Security whistle-blower ordeal unfolding at the office of National Security Council (NSC), and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). An individual at the NSC, notified the NSC Inspector General (IG), that 
Pres. Trump may have committed a major and ‘urgent’ security breach. 
Now, there is the caveat that the President may Declassify information at his own discretion. However, Protocol dictates that he then notify other Intelligence and Security Officials that he has made particular agreements, or in this case ‘Promises’, to Foreign Officials on behalf of the United States. In this case, none of that was done.
The NSC Whistle-blower then notified his/her superiors and the IG of this secret discussion. The DNI is then compelled by Law, to notify House of Representatives and Senate Officials and Committees of such Disclosure. In this case, that Congressional Notification never happened.
Therefore; Pres. Trump apparently disclosed Secret U.S. Intelligence Information to a Foreign Official, and then made an Unauthorized secret promise to this official, and failed to notify anyone else in the U.S. Government (Congress), that he’d done so. Bottom?

 Following this disclosure by The Washington Post, NBC News, MSNBC and others, Trump appeared at the Southern Border Wall constructed by the Obama Administration, claimed The Wall as his, and used an Alabama Hurricane Map-altering Sharpie to Autograph The Wall. Bottom?  (Technically it’s Trump Admin. Refurbish of Obama Era Border Wall).

‘Morning Joe’ Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Willie Geist and their MSNBC Colleagues, first disclosed and discussed Trump’s National Security insanity this morning, and then went on to discuss the absurdity of Trump making a big show autographing Obama Era Wall.  (Kudos to Mika for pointing out the Sharpie). Bottom?

All this occurs at a time when the Trump Administration, seriously handicapped by a crippling lack of Security and Intelligence leadership, is faced with an apparent Iranian Cruise-Missile Attack against Saudi Arabian Oil Production facilities. The attack reportedly wiped-out 50% of Saudi Oil Production equaling 5% of Total Worldwide Oil Production. While we in the U.S. can view this as an Arabian Gulf dispute, Saudi Arabia is, for better or worse a U.S. Ally, and any disruption to the flow of Worldwide Oil Supply has an overall effect on the price of Oil, and thus the Global Economy, of which the U.S. is a partner.

In pondering all this Insanity, one wonders, have we Hit Bottom, or is there more to come?