Thursday, September 19, 2019

DNI-NSC News / Trump Sharpie Signs Obama’s Wall

Hitting Bottom – DNI-NSC News / Trump Sharpie- Signs Obama’s Wall

Recovering Alcoholics and Addicts talk about having to ‘Hit Bottom’ before being able to be ‘restored to sanity’ and get sober. Looking at the present state of affairs; I wonder if the same is true for the Trump-Administration: have they yet Hit Bottom, or do they intend to keep digging before displaying sane and sober behavior?

The latest insane display of lack of stable behavior is the National Security whistle-blower ordeal unfolding at the office of National Security Council (NSC), and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). An individual at the NSC, notified the NSC Inspector General (IG), that 
Pres. Trump may have committed a major and ‘urgent’ security breach. 
Now, there is the caveat that the President may Declassify information at his own discretion. However, Protocol dictates that he then notify other Intelligence and Security Officials that he has made particular agreements, or in this case ‘Promises’, to Foreign Officials on behalf of the United States. In this case, none of that was done.
The NSC Whistle-blower then notified his/her superiors and the IG of this secret discussion. The DNI is then compelled by Law, to notify House of Representatives and Senate Officials and Committees of such Disclosure. In this case, that Congressional Notification never happened.
Therefore; Pres. Trump apparently disclosed Secret U.S. Intelligence Information to a Foreign Official, and then made an Unauthorized secret promise to this official, and failed to notify anyone else in the U.S. Government (Congress), that he’d done so. Bottom?

 Following this disclosure by The Washington Post, NBC News, MSNBC and others, Trump appeared at the Southern Border Wall constructed by the Obama Administration, claimed The Wall as his, and used an Alabama Hurricane Map-altering Sharpie to Autograph The Wall. Bottom?  (Technically it’s Trump Admin. Refurbish of Obama Era Border Wall).

‘Morning Joe’ Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Willie Geist and their MSNBC Colleagues, first disclosed and discussed Trump’s National Security insanity this morning, and then went on to discuss the absurdity of Trump making a big show autographing Obama Era Wall.  (Kudos to Mika for pointing out the Sharpie). Bottom?

All this occurs at a time when the Trump Administration, seriously handicapped by a crippling lack of Security and Intelligence leadership, is faced with an apparent Iranian Cruise-Missile Attack against Saudi Arabian Oil Production facilities. The attack reportedly wiped-out 50% of Saudi Oil Production equaling 5% of Total Worldwide Oil Production. While we in the U.S. can view this as an Arabian Gulf dispute, Saudi Arabia is, for better or worse a U.S. Ally, and any disruption to the flow of Worldwide Oil Supply has an overall effect on the price of Oil, and thus the Global Economy, of which the U.S. is a partner.

In pondering all this Insanity, one wonders, have we Hit Bottom, or is there more to come?

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