Friday, March 31, 2017

Sean Spicer White House Press Secretary 3/31/17 jw


Sean Spicer White House Press Secretary                  3/31/17  jw  

I was mistaken (again!).  My first impressions of Press Secretary Sean Spicer was that he was an Idiot. Turns out, he’s quite intelligent and articulate, skilled at deflection, obfuscation, and evasion. Clever like a fox. Connecticut College (BA)

Thing Is – he’s not very bright in his choice of a Professional Career. He’s a dupe.

What person of even moderate intelligence would sign-on to be the Official Spokesman for Pres. Donald J. Trump? I mean, how did it occur in his obviously educated and intelligent mind that This might be a Good Idea? Makes one wonder what the Russians may have on Sean Spicer. Anyone such as I, with even a modest grasp of the obvious, could see that this assignment was akin to booking a cruise on the Titanic.

 I was, er, uh, Wrong (!), about the Trump Election. How could such a self-serving, amoral, suspicious character, rise to the Highest Office of The Land? As a matter of validation, I also wrote that Donald J. Trump was Impeachable on Day One. As soon as he took his tiny hand off The Bible on Inauguration Day, he was Eligible. 71 Days in, and it appears that this Nation has embarked on the long and winding road toward Impeachment.  

 It was, what is now identified as, a Protest Vote. ‘Drain The Swamp!’ ‘Lock Her Up!’ It now appears, as others have noted, that The Swamp has Drained Trump, and that while ‘She’ may not be ‘Locked-Up’, some key Trump Administration Officials may very well be. The Trump Presidency is a train roaring full-bore in search of a cliff.

 Mr. Spicer has claimed repeatedly from the White House podium that, “There is ‘No Evidence’ of Trump Administration connections to Russia” Hmm, I beg to differ.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson received a Russian ‘Medal of Friendship’ from Vladimir Putin  for his work in organizing a major Artic Oil Drilling Enterprise which would net Russia, ruled by a brutal criminal  Putin Cartel, and the Multi-National Conglomerate Exxon, Billions and Billions of Dollars in Revenue. That plan was squashed by U.S. Sanctions against Russia for its invasion and seizure of Crimea.

 It is a matter of credible Investigation that other Trump affiliated Campaign Officials met with Russian Government Officials about easing Obama Administration Sanctions. ‘No Evidence’ Sean? I believe you are seriously mistaken, or, none-too- slick in evasion in addressing the matter.

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who was fired by Pres. Obama as Director of National Security for basically free-lancing, was hired by Pres. Trump as National Security Advisor. Gen. Flynn was fired 24 Days later for lying to Trump Administration Officials, including Vice-President Pence, as well as Congress, about his contacts with Russian Officials during the Administration Transition period.  Lying in Sworn Testimony to a Congressional Hearing is a Felony called Perjury. Flynn has recently sough Immunity from Prosecution in order to ‘Tell his Story’. In discussing actions of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Staff being granted Immunity during the Campaign, Flynn remarked – ‘If you’re seeking Immunity, you must have committed a crime’. Yeah, General, Probably.

Flynn also received compensation (Money/Free Travel & Accommodation), for his work for RT, the Government-Controlled Russian Television Station. At an RT Party, Flynn led a standing ovation for Vladimir Putin. (We have the Vid.).

“The tweet stands for itself” Another remarkable Spicer deflection delivered from the Podium, when asked by the White House Press Corps to elaborate on Trump’s slanderous tweet that Pres. Obama had ‘wiretapped’ Trump Tower. I’m fairly certain that Mr. Spicer understands that the job of the White House Press Secretary is to explain the President’s Policies and Statements to the Press. The Press, especially in The White House, is The Fourth Estate of our Constitutional Republic, the Representatives of the U.S. Citizenry to The Office of The President.

I also believe Sean Spicer understands that the Trump Presidency is like no other. And, there is no Logical, or Justifiable response to most of what Donald Trump says and does. He’s a stooge, and his job to go out to the White House Press Briefing and put-on some amusing Song and Dance for everyone’s entertainment. As smart as he may or may not be, he is a foolish man.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

LIAR ! 3/2/17

(Guess Who?)
Move over Mr. Nixon, Mr. Clinton; another all-time Liar moving in.  Pres. Donald Trump’s violations, lying, mismanagement, and overall incompetence have led to Investigation by 5 separate Congressional Committees in just 40 short days of his new presidency.  

I, along with many others, warned early-on that this President is impeachable as soon as he takes The Oath, and, here we are. There are 5 (so far), different Congressional Committees investigating Pres. Trump’s campaign, transition and Administration activities and lies. Some may say that that’s too much Congressional Investigation, and others who think it’s barely enough:

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., Diane Feinstein, D-CA

Senate Judiciary Committee   Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and senior Democrat Dianne Feinstein of California

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the committee's senior Democrat

House Judiciary Committee Chairman: Rep. Bob Goodlatte  R-VA, Rep. John Conyers D-MI

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee   Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, Rep. Elijah Cummings D- Maryland,  The chairman also joined with the panel's senior Democrat, to write a letter Thursday to the president of Leading Authorities Inc. asking for information about any speaking engagements (Hmmm…?).

For all the complaining from Trump, his minions, and supporters, there’s really no one except Mr. Trump himself, to blame for all this trouble. We’re talking about a guy who’s said everything from he’s never spoken to Vladimir Putin, to claiming a ‘Very good relationship’ with him. Perhaps never speaking to someone is some Trump-ian way of having a Very Good Relationship that I don’t understand.

Back in May 2014, Trump said he “spoke, indirectly and directly, with President Putin.” In the third presidential debate, Trump said: “I don’t know Putin.... I never met Putin. This is not my best friend.” (Washington Post, et al…).

He said loudly and often that Mexico would pay for his ‘Great Southern Wall’, to well, actually, We are going pay for it, "The president said he's going to get reimbursed one way or the other and we accept that. Meantime, we do have to pay our bills." (House Speaker Paul Ryan on I suppose 10-15 Billion Taxpayer Dollars one way or the other doesn’t really matter.

 FromI will repeal Obama Care on Day One’ (FOX News, et al…), to ‘No one knew how complex Healthcare is’ (New York Magazine, et al…). If by No One you mean Everyone, Mr. President – That’s right, No One Knew.

In just his 3rd Week as Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Formerly R-Al Sen.), faces anything from Recusal to Resignation for lying to the Senate Confirmation Hearing considering his appointment.

Of course, now comes the howl of Trump supporters claiming all this is ‘Fake News’, and election-time Sour Grapes.

These people are not only Republicans In Name Only (RINO’s), or Conservatives In Name only (COIN’s), They are Americans In Name Only (AINO’s). Beware AINO’s: There is another Group in town- ANOH’s, as in: there Ain’t No One Here gonna’ let these Traitors get away with this Treachery.

As Real Republican Conservative Joe Scarborough stated on MSNBC ‘This puts the Thousandth Question Mark on it. Why all the Lies?’