It’s All a Deplorable Mess…
It was inevitable. President Trump’s election promised
drastic change in Washington D.C., and drastic change we now have. Governmental
Gridlock in D.C. has never been worse. In recent years we’ve come to expect Inter-party
conflict resulting in dreadful stalemate; Democrats vs. Republicans supporting
opposing viewpoints of governance. As President Obama faced fierce Republican
opposition at every turn, legislative progress was infrequent if there was any
at all.
With the election to President of a man with no experience
whatever in governance, and a profoundly radical contempt of the Governmental
process, the ensuing calamity was, as feared, Inevitable. Not only do we see D.
vs. R. opposition, we have R. vs. R. conflict. And Thank Goodness for it! The
Intra-Republican turmoil is composed of G.O.P’ers blindly obedient to a
Republican President roaring into blind alleys, and some reasonable dissent to
hazardous, harmful Legislation and Policies. Again, with the elevation of a
radical tyrant to a position of power, the ensuing result has been inevitable.
The possible involvement of the Trump Campaign with Russian interference in the
recent election also has subsequent political implications.
Trump has proposed, and attempted to impose some draconian and
deplorable policies and a few reasonable Republicans sided with Democrats in
opposition. Result-complete stalemate. Thankfully, and at the same time, regrettably.
Regrettably because no one wants a complete standstill in Government, and
thankfully because the ideas Trump has tried to advance often defy fairness
and/or reasonable logic. The man is just out of touch with reality and out of
control.Russian collusion aside, for the moment, President Trump proposes repealing the only national healthcare coverage policy in place while no one has agreed upon a replacement. The ensuing chaos has resulted in fierce opposition all-around, and subsequent legislative standstill. The Republicans, who have been unanimous in their disdain of the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. ‘Obamacare’, have had 7 years to develop an alternative, with no workable result. Nothing, Crickets. Now the Republicans have complete Majority Rule in both Houses of Congress, the Presidency, and no comprehensive Healthcare Coverage Policy.
Let me say here that
while I am opposed to most of the polices endorsed by Republican Arizona
Senator John McCain, I have, as previously stated in my blog, the utmost
respect and admiration for the Courage and Dedication this Brave man has
displayed over the years. Unlike Pres. Trump, I honor Sen. McCain as one of our
Nation’s Great War Heroes. His dedication and commitment in Service to the State
of Arizona in the U.S. Senate is beyond reproach. His sense of fairness and professionalism
was on display during his own presidential bid, as he courteously and deftly
corrected a woman who complained of President Obama being a ‘Muslim’. This notion
was promoted and advanced repeatedly by The Liar, Donald Trump.
Senator McCain once again showed his courage in reaction to
being diagnosed with a potentially-fatal Brain Cancer. Senator McCain also
displayed courage and good judgement, and eloquence in denouncing the current
Healthcare proposals being advanced in the Senate. Then, surprisingly, he voted
in support of opening debate on the current proposals. It all seems sort of
confusing, but in essence, he only supported a Motion to open Debate. Fair
enough, and in retrospect, perhaps understandable. It just seemed incongruent
on the heels of his oppositional speech.
The current Republican Healthcare proposals are dangerous
Political and Emotional opposition to the ACA, the dreaded ‘Obamacare’. They
have however, Nothing to offer in response except dangerous, haphazard plans
that expose millions of Americans to once again being Uninsured. 3 or 4 Republican
Senators have demonstrated opposition to such drivel.
As those affiliated with the Trump Campaign face increased
investigation and possible charges, Donald Trump’s precarious Political Capitol
fades. Republican Senators should remain mindful that while Mr. Trump won the
Electoral College, he lost the Popular Vote to Hillary Clinton by nearly 8
Million Votes. Mrs. Clinton was a risky Democratic Candidate to begin with, and
she won 8 Million more popular votes than Trump. This indisputable fact annoys
Mr. Trump to no end. Ironically, it is a Constitutional Condition that guaranteed
Mr. Trump’s Presidency.
As President Trump descends quickly into a
political quagmire, (mostly of his Own-Making), which very well may result in
his removal, The Senate would do well to heed Sen. McCain’s advice: “Let the Health, Education, Labor, and
Pensions Committee under Chairman Alexander and Ranking Member Murray hold
hearings, try to report a bill out of committee with contributions from both
sides. Then bring it to the floor for amendment and debate, and see if we can
pass something that will be imperfect, full of compromises, and not very
pleasing to implacable partisans on either side, but that might provide
workable solutions to problems Americans are struggling with today.”