Wednesday, July 26, 2017

It’s All a Deplorable Mess… 7/26/17 jw

It’s All a Deplorable Mess…

It was inevitable. President Trump’s election promised drastic change in Washington D.C., and drastic change we now have. Governmental Gridlock in D.C. has never been worse. In recent years we’ve come to expect Inter-party conflict resulting in dreadful stalemate; Democrats vs. Republicans supporting opposing viewpoints of governance. As President Obama faced fierce Republican opposition at every turn, legislative progress was infrequent if there was any at all.
With the election to President of a man with no experience whatever in governance, and a profoundly radical contempt of the Governmental process, the ensuing calamity was, as feared, Inevitable. Not only do we see D. vs. R. opposition, we have R. vs. R. conflict. And Thank Goodness for it! The Intra-Republican turmoil is composed of G.O.P’ers blindly obedient to a Republican President roaring into blind alleys, and some reasonable dissent to hazardous, harmful Legislation and Policies. Again, with the elevation of a radical tyrant to a position of power, the ensuing result has been inevitable. The possible involvement of the Trump Campaign with Russian interference in the recent election also has subsequent political implications.  
Trump has proposed, and attempted to impose some draconian and deplorable policies and a few reasonable Republicans sided with Democrats in opposition. Result-complete stalemate. Thankfully, and at the same time, regrettably. Regrettably because no one wants a complete standstill in Government, and thankfully because the ideas Trump has tried to advance often defy fairness and/or reasonable logic. The man is just out of touch with reality and out of control.

Russian collusion aside, for the moment, President Trump proposes repealing the only national healthcare coverage policy in place while no one has agreed upon a replacement. The ensuing chaos has resulted in fierce opposition all-around, and subsequent legislative standstill. The Republicans, who have been unanimous in their disdain of the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. ‘Obamacare’, have had 7 years to develop an alternative, with no workable result. Nothing, Crickets. Now the Republicans have complete Majority Rule in both Houses of Congress, the Presidency, and no comprehensive Healthcare Coverage Policy.

 Let me say here that while I am opposed to most of the polices endorsed by Republican Arizona Senator John McCain, I have, as previously stated in my blog, the utmost respect and admiration for the Courage and Dedication this Brave man has displayed over the years. Unlike Pres. Trump, I honor Sen. McCain as one of our Nation’s Great War Heroes. His dedication and commitment in Service to the State of Arizona in the U.S. Senate is beyond reproach. His sense of fairness and professionalism was on display during his own presidential bid, as he courteously and deftly corrected a woman who complained of President Obama being a ‘Muslim’. This notion was promoted and advanced repeatedly by The Liar, Donald Trump.
Senator McCain once again showed his courage in reaction to being diagnosed with a potentially-fatal Brain Cancer. Senator McCain also displayed courage and good judgement, and eloquence in denouncing the current Healthcare proposals being advanced in the Senate. Then, surprisingly, he voted in support of opening debate on the current proposals. It all seems sort of confusing, but in essence, he only supported a Motion to open Debate. Fair enough, and in retrospect, perhaps understandable. It just seemed incongruent on the heels of his oppositional speech.

The current Republican Healthcare proposals are dangerous Political and Emotional opposition to the ACA, the dreaded ‘Obamacare’. They have however, Nothing to offer in response except dangerous, haphazard plans that expose millions of Americans to once again being Uninsured. 3 or 4 Republican Senators have demonstrated opposition to such drivel.
As those affiliated with the Trump Campaign face increased investigation and possible charges, Donald Trump’s precarious Political Capitol fades. Republican Senators should remain mindful that while Mr. Trump won the Electoral College, he lost the Popular Vote to Hillary Clinton by nearly 8 Million Votes. Mrs. Clinton was a risky Democratic Candidate to begin with, and she won 8 Million more popular votes than Trump. This indisputable fact annoys Mr. Trump to no end. Ironically, it is a Constitutional Condition that guaranteed Mr. Trump’s Presidency.

  As President Trump descends quickly into a political quagmire, (mostly of his Own-Making), which very well may result in his removal, The Senate would do well to heed Sen. McCain’s advice: Let the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee under Chairman Alexander and Ranking Member Murray hold hearings, try to report a bill out of committee with contributions from both sides. Then bring it to the floor for amendment and debate, and see if we can pass something that will be imperfect, full of compromises, and not very pleasing to implacable partisans on either side, but that might provide workable solutions to problems Americans are struggling with today.”

Good Advice, Sen. McCain, Thanks for your continued Service to This Great Nation.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

7/21/17 Relentless Madness...

This much madness is too much sorrow;
It's impossible to make it today.     -    Neil Young (Down by the River).

The Madness never ends, and it is indeed, sorrowful. The utter disdain this President has for our scared democracy is truly saddening, as maddening, to Constitutional Patriots. His unraveled musings about how ‘Unfairly’ he’s being treated is pathetic. Perhaps Pathologic is a more appropriate description. Beside the fact of how much this spoiled-rotten Beneficiary of a multi-million dollar Inheritance complains of ‘Unfairness’, his delusion is alarming.

Among the various fables he spun during his recent NY Times Interview, was this complete fairytale of the AG Jeff Sessions Recusal. Pres. Trump hobbled together some nonsense complaining about how AG Sessions should have warned him about the recusal upon being selected by Trump for the job. Yeah, right. Except for the fact that the investigation Mr. Sessions recused himself didn’t commence until After Sessions was sworn-in as Attorney General. And, it came on the heels of Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey.

He also prattled on some nonsense about how the wife of Japanese PM Abe doesn’t speak English, (she does, some), so he left his seat at the G-20 Conference Dinner to visit his wife and Russian President Putin, who were seated together. He said in The Times interview that the conversation with Putin lasted about 15 Minutes. Others there at the time said it went about 45 Minutes. He lies about why he left his seat, and lies again about how long the conversation went. Pres. Trump says he and Putin discussed U.S. – Russian Adoption Policy.

Having already lied about the conversation, are we now supposed to believe he and Putin discussed adoption for 45 Minutes?  Mr. Trump says in the interview that adoption is something Russian Pres. Putin is ‘very interested in’. Sure he is - 45 Minutes worth.

But the most disheartening noises Pres. Trump made were his maligning of AG Sessions, former FBI Director James Comey, and Special Counsel Robt. Muller. Mr. Trump impugned the integrity of each of these individuals, and hinted that in addition to Director Comey, he might fire AG Sessions, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein and Special Counsel Muller. Mr. Trump spouts the myth that Mr. Rosenstein is from Baltimore, (he’s from Pennsylvania), and implies he can’t be trusted because, as everyone knows, there are no Republicans there.

This scoundrel, who is the current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has such little regard for the Process detailed, and Separation of Powers outlined in the U.S. Constitution concerning Congressional Investigation of The President, that he just blabbers on about how he’ll just fire people who dare to inquire into his malfeasance.

Mr. Trump is in deep trouble in Washington, D.C. . . And it seems, the Russians may very well have something on him also.

Friday, July 14, 2017

7/15/17   jw

Why? Why all the Lies, Obfuscation, Denial, Misdirection? What is behind it All?   
DJT and Co. have engaged in a persistent, myriad campaign of diversion and delusion. Besides the fascinating denial of clearly verifiable events, situations, and statements, stands the Question: Why? The latest perversely entertaining parade of imaginary productions is the result of the catastrophic revelation of Trump Jr.’s disastrous decision to meet with a band of Russian troublemakers. ‘I Love It!’ he records in an e-mail to associates, when presented with an opportunity to meet with foreign agents to interfere with the U.S. Presidential Election.
I’m not a Lawyer, or Politician, or ridiculously wealthy Real Estate Developer, but even I, would think to check with Law Enforcement Officials if I were involved in a political campaign and received such a ludicrous invitation from Russian Agents.   
Aside from the profoundly stupid act in and of itself, as well as the subsequent documenting of potential criminality, comes the roaring circus of denial. From the lame-brained Collusion/Delusion word games played out on Television by an appropriately lame-brained spokesperson, to the White House Press briefing by an equally incoherent poser, to the President himself with the asinine comment; ‘Practically speaking…’,  says the President, in an attempt to what, sound intelligent? ‘I think anyone would have taken that meeting’. Yeah, anyone who’d like to be in prison. Jackass. Even Donnie Jr. expressed some regret, and stated he wished now, that he’d done differently then. Do they even talk, or listen to each other?
But behind it all lays, Why? Why is it that Pres. Trump consistently and often, refuses to acknowledge and confront this Russian Incursion into U.S. Democracy? Why is it he remains so chummy with the Russian Invader Putin? The dictator oligarch Vladimir Putin directed a complex scheme to infiltrate the sacred American Right of self- determination, and Mr. Trump wants to give him a pass.
Why would anyone do such a thing? One can’t help but wonder if the Russians possess some sort of severely salacious or perhaps even incriminating, information about the current U.S. President. I’m no fan of the G.O.P. but, I do appreciate the concept of Informed Dissent in our venerated Constitutional Republic. Any endorsement or participation to interfere with that Right, is Treasonous.

Monday, July 10, 2017

 A New York State Police Trooper was shot and killed… 

Many Reporters, myself included, have been rightly concerned with and attentive to, the wide-ranging dangerous and possibly Felonious behavior of the Trump Administration. We should not however, get so caught up in the unfolding disaster that is the Trump Presidency, that we ignore other alarming and dramatic News.

Like so many other brave and dedicated Emergency Service First Responders and Law Enforcement Officers across this great nation, New York State Police Trooper Joel Davis, left his wife and 3 teen-age children in their safe and comfortable home to go to work, in harm’s way on our behalf. And, like NYPD Officer Miosotis Familia and so many other Emergency Service Providers – his workday ended in Death.
All across New York State and America, every day, dedicated men and women leave their homes and families to serve in the face of danger, under frequently hazardous conditions to ensure that the rest of us remain safe and comfortable. It’s the work they choose; Public Service, in harm’s way providing Public Safety so that we may come and go, doing the things we need to do without dangerous interference or interruption.
One of the most dangerous situations Police Officers often face is the Domestic Dispute. The Domestic Dispute ranges from excited, often alcohol- fueled fights, to outright Homicidal adventures. Such was the case for NY State Trooper Joel Davis this night. On what is commonly called ‘Routine Patrol’, (although there is often nothing ‘Routine’ about it), Trooper Davis responded to yet another Radio-run for a ‘Domestic’.
Another fairly frequent potential nightmare scenarios American Law Enforcement and Public Service Officials face is that of our Combat Veterans suffering PTSD symptoms, and under the sway of Booze, and/or Drugs. Even without the Booze and Drugs, and absent any current Mental Health Issues, the Domestic Dispute is one of, if not the most dangerous assignments Police Officers face. Jealousy, Rage and Resentment are dangerous drugs in their own right. Rage-fueled Anger has been found in certain instances, to be form of Temporary Insanity.
So, Trooper Davis veteran of a hundred Radio-runs, including scores of Domestic Disputes, took-in another Job. Except this time, he did not arrive alive. As he approached the location of the incident, he was shot to death by a 32-year old maniac named Justin D. Walters. Justin Walters, an Active Duty Army Infantry Solider posted to Fort Drum, NY.  Davis had apparently just killed his wife, 27-year old Nichole V. Walters. Also shot by Walters was a girlfriend of Nichole.
Walters, it turns out, has been in the Army for 10 years, including 2 Tours of Combat Duty in Afghanistan. The NY State Police Public information was unable to immediately provide information as to whether Trooper Davis had any Military Experience. Many NY State Troopers do, including Combat Experience. Some Combat Vets are able to return and lead a fairly normal, even if painful, life. Others are not. God Bless Those Who Serve, and Those Who Mourn.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Too Soon …? 7/6/17

Too Soon …? I Know it’s Too Soon to discuss Impeachment, but, Let’s discuss …Impeachment.

I’ve posted here previously that Donald J. Trump was eligible for Impeachment on Day One. On 20, January, ’17, as soon as he uttered the immortal words and lifted his hand from the Bible, DJT qualified for Impeachment.  The very first instance upon taking The Oath that rendered him liable, was his ownership of the D.C. Trump Hotel, which had already begun renting rooms to foreign Dignitaries in-Town for Official State Business during the Presidential Transition.

Technically, because he was not yet President, Mr. Trump was not in violation of the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution, but the moment he took his hand from the Bible, and those Official Dignitaries were paying for Rented Rooms at the Hotel, President Trump was in Violation. Also, because the U.S. owned the Property where the Hotel stood, Trump was in violation of Government Standards which prohibited from him being both Tenant and, as the Head of the Government, Landlord, at the Property.

It seemed a bit of a stretch, and broad interpretation of the Law, to hold The Donald accountable, but once his further entanglements with Foreign, most especially suspect Russian characters become clear under investigation, his initial conflicts of interest, and Violations, are confirmed.

Special Counsel and Principal Investigator Robert Mueller, as well as Deputy Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein, most likely understood this fact from early on, but knew that Trump’s myriad, troublesome, Russian connections needed to be properly investigated and exposed prior to lodging the allegations.

While those in the Liberal-leaning media, the MSNBC’s et al, had to maintain a cool composure and pretend it was all Too Soon, they’d already raised the point previously. But, they needed to preserve some shred of objectivity, for legitimacy’s sake, and project a professional air. Even as the case for Obstruction of Justice charge against the President related to the firing of FBI Director James Comey began to gain momentum,  the media-mantra, echoed on occasion by Congressional  Democrats, had begun to be muttered – ‘Of Course it’s too soon to discuss ‘Obstruction’ or ‘Impeachment’…

While those of us who understood better knew, it may have been early, it may have been soon, but it wasn’t actually ‘Too Soon’. It was, and has been, Time. Time to consider and discuss, and peer ahead to the enmeshed and perilous situation Mr. Trump was in upon taking Office.

Trump of course made things worse for himself not just by firing Dir. Comey, but then bragging about it to not only to NBC’s Lester Holt, but to two shady Russian Diplomats in of all places – The White House; the Russian visitors, Sergey Kislyak, and Sergey Lavrov.

Kislyak was sent to the United States in the early 1980s as a low-level diplomat, it is certain he would have been either a KGB agent or reporting directly to the KGB. James Clapper, former U.S. Director of National Intelligence, stated that Kislyak "oversees a very aggressive intelligence operation in this country... and so to suggest that he is somehow separate or oblivious to that is a bit much." Lavrov openly mocked Dir. Comey’s firing, saying to American Press at The White House ‘You’re kidding…’ upon being asked for comment

I’ve seen this movie before – I lived through Watergate. Spoiler: The End is Not Pretty. Unless of course, you consider the Beauty of American Constitutional  Justice.  Color me Cynical, but I think Trump doesn’t really want to be President, and is doing all he can to be told – ‘You’re’ Fired’.