Tuesday, September 11, 2018

9/11/01                        Jos. R. Walsh             (c) 2018

My Heart Aches, as if it were yesterday; when I ponder the loss, devastation and mayhem of That Day. To be clear, I was in Binghamton, NY, that day, watching the devastation on TV with Millions of horrified Americans and others Worldwide. I’d been to The City, Downtown, the day before, 9/10/01.
It was one of several infrequent visits to my Hometown after having moved upstate to Binghamton several years prior. It turned out to be my last look at The Towers, mysteriously the day before they came down. To those of you who know my Posts here – you probably know this story, and I apologize for walking down this road with you once again. However, each year at this time; I feel compelled.

The circumstance of my NYC visit on 9/10/01 was somewhat significant in its own way, but even more dramatically so for its historic significance. My friend Ruben, also an ex-New Yorker relocated to Binghamton, had a very important appointment that day, and I drove him down to The City. He was being treated for Cancer.
The drive from Binghamton to Manhattan takes about 90 Min.s or so, depending on traffic. During the ride Ruben and I discussed News, Sports & Weather, Terminal Cancer, Life and Death..

Ruben was at the time, being treated at Sloan-Kettering Hospital Center for Stage 3 Esophageal Cancer. He was told by phone by his treating Physician that the Cancer had advanced, as expected, and the news was ‘Not good’, and he needed to come down to the Hospital on 9/10, for an ‘Important Appointment’. At the Doctor’s
Appointment he was given the ‘Not Good’ News – Stage 4 Terminal.

 In 1985-86 I worked a Counter-Terror/Anti-Intrusion Patrol Security Job, 12-Hour Nights, at the Construction Site of The World Financial Center, directly across from the WTC.
When anyone asked me ‘How’s it going at Work?’ I would often reply ‘just me and The Towers all night long…’ (and the Rats). I saw River Rats down there the size of Large Cats; but never saw any Cats. Go figure….

We had lunch Downtown, in sight of the looming Towers. As we discussed Terminal Cancer, Life & Death, Options... I sat transfixed gazing at The Towers recalling 12 Hour Patrols with me, The Towers, and the Rats. 

The Towers came down the next day. Ruben died 8 Months later. God Bless Those Who Serve, and, Those Who Mourn.