'Complete, Total Exoneration' DJT, Rudy G., et al...
'We Could Not Exonerate The President' Robt. Mueller III, et al...
I guess, it's all a matter of perspective.
What we learned today, (Again): Donald J. Trump as Presidential Candidate, and while President-Elect, and perhaps while POTUS, lied, profited, obstructed and worked to undermine the 2016 Presidential Election, and obstruct the investigation to that matter.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Former FBI Director in the days of 9/11/01, ( a Geo. W. Bush Appointee), Wounded Warrior and Recipient of both the Bronze Star, and Purple Heart for his service as a USMC Combat Officer in Vietnam, Registered Republican, swore to these things under Oath before the U.S. Congress today.
Mr. Mueller gave Sworn Testimony that Trump's National Security Advisor, Mike Flynn, (himself a Bronze Star Recipient, but unfortunately a Convicted Felon), profited by his work as an undisclosed Foreign Agent and lied to FBI Agents investigating the matter.
Also, Mr. Mueller swore, Paul Manafort, (no Bronze Medal here, but, he too, is a Convicted Felon, and undisclosed Foreign Agent), profited from illegal Campaign-related activity and obstruction, as did his Deputy Campaign Manager Rick Gates, (no medals; admitted Felon).
Donald J. Trump promised us 'All the Best People', and that we'd all 'be tired of all the Winning'.
Are we there yet?
It's clear from today's sworn Congressional testimony that Donald J. Trump, his family and Co-conspirators, engaged in a repeated and persistent effort to obstruct, mislead and deceive Investigators, and thereby the American People, about the disloyal and criminal conduct of this Presidential Campaign and Administration.
"For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be brought to light." Mark 4:22
Simply put: More will be revealed.