Thursday, March 25, 2021

3/25/21 And The South Shall Rise Again(?)


And it is as Deplorable, Despicable and Dastardly as ever.

The Ole South rises again. And it begins, not too surprisingly, in Georgia. We see now, the old Racist Confederacy reasserted. We see once again, the perversion of the concept of ‘States Rights’. This is the same Cover Dixie used during the Civil War, (which, Lest We Forget, They Lost), to defend Slavery. More on that in a bit…

 In 1980 and on, The U.S. Supreme Court granted absurd leeway to States to design and enforce their own election laws.

 The leeway granted was absurd in that it clearly ran contrary to the intent of U.S. Constitution to vigorously defend U.S. Citizens of the Right to Vote, regardless in which Colony they lived.

Implied in the SCOTUS decision was the notion that if State Residents did not choose to live under a States’ Law they could either change the Law, or change their State of Residence. Neither choice necessary or easy. Not necessary, because we understood The U.S. Constitution to defend the Voting Rights of U.S. Citizens. Not easy or convenient for all the obvious reasons.

Speaking of obvious reasons – The Civil War. One of The Confederacy’s fundamental failures was lack of Economic Power. This brings us of course to Coca-Cola  Delta Airlines  The Atlanta Hawks 

The Atlanta Braves  Tyler Perry Studios  

AT&T WellsFargo  Georgia Chamber of Commerce

 If these companies continue to support racist Georgia’s Economy, Then, in good conscience, the rest of us can only hold these corporations in well-deserved contempt. This of course will be labeled ‘Cancel Culture’. O.K., Whatever. The rest of us call it Social Consciousness.

If Good Ole Dixie can be once again be defeated by Economic Might; so be it.