Thursday, April 29, 2021

And The South Shall Rise Again II (Arizona ?) Note * New Blog Title*


How is this even Legal?

Arizona has somehow commenced to undertake a so-called ‘Audit’ of the repeatedly certified and verified 2020 Election. It is reported by the Washington Post, the NY Times, MSNBC and various other reliable News sources, that a Court has Ruled that the parties engaged in this ‘Recount’ (?),‘Cyber Ninjas’, Maricopa County, et al, provide documentation that appropriate Ballot Security measures are ensured during the ‘Audit’ process as a condition for proceeding. That provision has not been enforced.

Prior to Recusing himself at the request of ‘Cyber Ninjas’, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Christopher Coury offered to pause the Recount pending compliance by ‘Cyber Ninjas’, et al, IF Democrats posted a $1 million bond to cover added expenses.

The rampant partisanship in this matter is appalling. First Judge Coury imposes an unreasonable condition upon the plaintiffs seeking entirely reasonable conditions for the process to proceed. Then, after setting this outlandish imposition, Judge Coury then recuses himself at the request of ‘Cyber Ninjas’. After Judge Coury required this $1Million bond, ‘Cyber Ninjas’ adds an attorney to their team, who formerly worked as Coury’s intern, and subsequently asks Coury to Recuse. Coury complies, a new judge is assigned, a new hearing is set for Tuesday, (4/27?), and meanwhile, the bogus ‘Count’ continues.

There is too much for one mind to unravel here, but, I’ll Try:

First, I understand that Individual States, and Individual Counties within each State, have considerable autonomy over their own elections, but that said, aren’t there Constitutional protections that ensure the validity of U.S. Presidential Elections?

And, is the Arizona Senate empowered to exclusively select an Out-of-State, obviously politically partisan private Contractor to conduct a secret ‘audit’ of a Presidential Election? For instance aren’t taxpayer-funded projects subject to competitive bid, as well as public disclosure/oversight procedures? 

(Does the Arizona GOP see itself some sort of contemporary Confederacy, exempt from Federal Election Law and long accepted norms?) There is also the issue of unidentified 3rd parties contributing funds to offset the cost and expenses of this operation.

Is it permissible, or ethical, for a Respondent to add an Attorney to their own team, who might possibly present an apparent conflict, After proceedings have begun and Rulings have already been decided? Also, is it permissible/ethical for a judge to then Recuse, after Ruling in proceedings that have commenced? Is the Ruling valid after the Judge Recused for apparent Conflict?  

Is it Legal for a privately owned company to possess and control Election Ballot Information without Neutral 3rd-party observation? What Right, does any state Political Party have to conceal ‘Audit’ proceedings from an opposing Party or the General Public? This sham need be stopped, exposed, or both.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

‘Failure of Imagination’ - 9/11 Commission 1/6: Missed It!


After the Terrorist Attacks of 9/11/01, a National Commission was convened by United States President George W. Bush and Congress. In its ‘Final Report’ the Commission cited a ‘Failure of Imagination’ on the part of U.S. Security/Counter-Terrorism officials as contributing to the disaster. Security/C-T authorities were persuaded to ‘Re-imagine’ Terror Tactics.

Following the 1/6/21 Domestic Terror insurgency at the U.S. Capitol, there were once again calls to ‘Re-imagine’ Terror Threats. In each case, ‘Imagination’, or the lack thereof, was not the issue. Nor was lack of ‘intelligence’. Lack of Common Sense prevailed in both episodes.

We were mis-informed; I thereby- came to a mistaken conclusion: we were told that accurate Intel. was not passed along to Command Officers on 1/6 (See Previous Post  -

Today, the ex-Chief of the Capitol Police gave sworn testimony that on January 4th, the FBI had information that a large armed and dangerous gang of extremists was gathering for the January 6 ‘Protest’. He got that information yesterday, Feb, 22.”

Well, it turns out that accurate information was in fact passed to Upper-level Command; they recklessly decided not to act responsibly on that information. Not only did the FBI and other Homeland Security agencies have the vital information, so too did, of all outfits – the Anti-Defamation League.

PBS Frontline did a remarkable Documentary detailing the violent insurgency:

(Which is why I Support them both, and you should too.)

Also, Luke Broadwater and Nicholas Fandos at the NY Times have extensive reporting on the known threats at the time.

The misinformation and misdirection by D.C. Security Officials led me to mistaken conclusions, (Gawd; I Hate When That Happens!).  At the time I wrote about procedures that require e-confirmation of transmission/possession of crucial Intel. While I may have been misled to that particular solution; it’s still a valid method for confirmation of Who has What Information, and Where and When they had it. That itself, would prevent (hopefully), someone waltzing into a Congressional Hearing, (or any other Investigation), and Lying about who knew what, and when.

As multiple sources cite; the MAGA-Lyte, White Supremacists D.C. insurgents had been threatening violence against the U.S. Congress, as well as any and all other opponents in Washington, D.C. on 1/6, as early as December 2020 right up to 1/6/21. Never Forget.

To claim an absence of actionable Intel. is simply arrogant Disinformation.