Friday, July 16, 2021

Indict Trump? 7/15/21

 Should Trump be indicted? I’m not talking about his Fraudulent, Tax Evading corrupt business practice – we’ll leave that to the NY State AG and the Manhattan District Attorney. Nor his legal problems with Election Interference in the State of Georgia, we’ll leave that to the Fulton County District Attorney, Atlanta Judicial Circuit. I mean here charges of Sedition and Conspiracy to Overthrow the U.S. Government. Credible Reporting by numerous sources inform us that Former Pres. Trump was actively advancing unconstitutional schemes to illegally seize power and remain in Office, after having overwhelmingly lost this Nation’s most secure, and most reviewed and contested Presidential Election.

Reliable, verifiable information now comes to light that in the end days of Trump’s failed Presidency and failed Re-election bid, Trump and his closest acolytes (Giuliani, Kushner, Trump Jr., Eric Trump, et al…), proposed Seditionist, Treasonous, Illegal Plans. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed. Much more thoughtful, reasonable people threatened Resignation and Press Conferences in order to rein-in Trump.

‘I Alone Can Fix It’  By Carol D. Leonnig and Philip Rucker

"Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost. By Michael C. Bender

‘A Warning’ Anonymous (Miles Taylor)

Recently, I compared the Trump Regime to the rise of Nazism in 1930’s Germany. Whenever and wherever I see Nazi-like conduct in Public and/or Government, I call it out.  (Please see: June 8 blog):

Often, this is seen as over-emotional, overreaction. Personally, I think it ridiculous to claim the mantra of ‘Never Again!’, and then portray such comparisons as overreaction.

Eugene Robinson columnist and an associate editor of The Washington Post, (Pulitzer Prize Winner 2009), recently spoke of such comparisons – ‘I have a rule to columnists not to invoke Nazi’s, and here’s Gen. Mark Milley Chairman of the Joint Chiefs,  saying Trump’s Presidency is at a ‘Reichstag Moment’ with “Brownshirts” in the streets’, and the ‘Gospel of the Fuhrer’. Thank You, Mr. Robinson, and Gen. Milley, for Validation.   The Reichstag Warning  Timothy Snyder

Further, Ret. Gen. Barry McCaffery, not a Trump Staffer, but a Pentagon ‘Insider’ none-the-less, said today on MSNBC: When Foreign Intelligence Officials examine Trump’s actions at the time, they would conclude – This guy’s planning a Coup against Democracy’. He also described the Trump years in Washington as a ‘Nearly Illegal Presidency’.

In addition to being awarded the Silver Star, (Twice awarded the Silver Star for exceptional valor in Vietnam combat action as a rifle company commander (1st Cavalry Division), Gen. McCaffery Co-chaired the United States NATO Counterterrorism Working Group and among other honors, Served as Lt. General on the Joint Chiefs Pentagon staff as the J5Strategic Planner, and also served as a Major General on the Army Pentagon staff as the strategic planner. Point being this Distinguished Patriot is a guy who knows of which he speaks.

Among the Generals was former Lt. Col. Mark Esper, previous Secretary of the Army and then U.S. Secretary of Defense. Trump fired Secretary Esper following Trump’s loss to Biden in November. Defense Secretary Esper has been described as ‘being at odds with the president’ in matters involving deployment of U.S. Military Forces to quell Domestic Disturbance, and invoking the Insurrection Act during Black Lives Matter protests.  ‘We are not in one of those situations now. I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act.” Esper said then.

Had it not been for some mature, sane, reasonable people in positions of responsibility, the Nightmare that was the Trump Presidency could have been much worse. Should Trump be indicted? I think yes, the Congressional Hearings on the January 6th Insurrection should conclude that Donald J. Trump should be Indicted and Prosecuted for Sedition against this Constitutional Republic, which is The United States of America. Also, there are some GOP Members of Congress on some very thin ice as well, (Hello, Mr. McCarthy). More will be revealed….

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Pres. Biden’s Voting Rights Speech - Nice Words...



I just listened to Pres. Biden’s Voting Rights Speech. It was a very nice bunch of very dramatic words, and unfortunately; nothing more. I like Pres. Biden. I support Pres. Biden. Pres Biden thus far, (including today’s wonderful speech), regarding Voter Rights; has been a bitter disappointment. A bunch of nice words is nice. When it comes to Voter Subversion, we need something much stronger than ‘Nice’.

When it comes to what Pres. Biden himself calls ‘Voter Subversion’, we need clear, substantial, and impactful assertive action by the U.S. AG and the Dept. of Justice. A famous book says ‘Faith without works is dead.’ Along these lines – Words without Action is meaningless.

The phony Arizona /Cyber Ninjas Election ‘Audit’ continues unimpeded and untouched by the U.S. DoJ, despite a very stern ‘Warning’. *May 5, 2021 VIA EMAIL The Honorable Karen Fann President, Arizona State Senate 1700 West Washington Street, Room 205 Phoenix, AZ 85007

Pamela S. Karlan Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Civil Rights Division :  More Words – No Action. Failure of AG Garland and DoJ to act spawned  disastrous consequences:   subsequently, the proposed Pennsylvania ‘Recount’. Failure of DoJ to act in Pennsylvania instance equals capitulation.

"The Big Lie is just that: A big lie," Pres. Biden said. He called efforts to call the election in question "dark" and "sinister" on Tuesday, saying they reflected "human nature at its worst." O.K., what Now?

 When, if ever, will AG Garland & DoJ proceed with the blatantly necessary Investigative work and Prosecution of the clearly dubious Arizona ‘Recount’? What actual action is the Biden Administration going to take to enforce U.S. Election Law?

Respectfully,  Jos. R. Walsh, Binghamton, NY  c.c. Sen.’s Schumer, Gillibrand, Spkr. Pelosi, DoJ, , MSNBC, Lincoln Proj., et al…

**Correction** In an early version of this text I stated that the 1/6 D.C. Insurrection was a result of DOJ's failure to act on Voter Suppression. I apologize for the obvious error; to AG Garland, the DOJ, and my readers,  jw 


Thursday, July 1, 2021

AG Garland/DOJ - Arizona Pt.2


An Open Letter: DOJ, the White House, Speaker Pelosi, Sen.'s Schumer, Gillibrand, ...

To Whom...

When, if ever, will AG Garland & DoJ proceed with the blatantly necessary Investigative work and Prosecution of the clearly dubious Arizona ‘Recount’?

In my previous message to the Department (which seemingly does not merit any response from DoJ, after all I’m merely a lone Concerned Citizen. You should note though, that This Lone Concerned Citizen c.c.’d Sen.’s Schumer, Gillibrand, the White House, MSNBC, the Lincoln Project, others… .),

 I reported the Problem: See Previous Post

Since that message, the situation remains unchanged -
‘Cyber Ninjas’ and the Arizona Republican State Senate have apparently engaged in Electoral Criminal Misconduct, which as previously stated, compelled a DoJ Warning Letter. Yet, as stated, DoJ has seemingly failed to follow up its Warning with any substantial action.

This represents a tragic failure on the part of the Department to recognize the obvious link between phony Trump pronouncements of massive ‘Voter Fraud’ and the catastrophic threat posed from Domestic Violent Extremism, and White Supremacist Nationalist Terrorism. (See Washington D.C 1/6/21). Please see also DHS

  As the faux ‘Audit’ wraps -up, it’s clearly too late to prevent this disastrous folly. However, the period between the ‘Audit’ conclusion and the public announcement of its ‘findings’ is crucial. Failure of the Department to disclose its own findings in the matter as well as any future course of action, would then bestow the air of legitimacy to Arizona’s ‘Audit’ and ‘Cyber Ninjas’ operation.

Also, failure of AG Garland and the Department to act in a prudent and responsible manner in this case, can only result in damage to DoJ’s credibility and reputation.   jw