The GOP Mantle has been passed officially, and once and for all to Donald J. Trump. In acceptance, Trump made quick work of outlining the dreadful condition we in the U.S. find ourselves and precisely where the blame for that belongs. To be sure, there’s plenty gone wrong. Such is life. Yet another Black American needlessly shot by White Police. Yet another Police Officer killed. Yet another Terrorist Attack, this time against harmless passengers aboard an inter-city German railway.
To hear Donald Trump tell it, it’s all Hillary Clinton’s fault. And, to hear him tell it – he ‘alone’, is the solution. And it’s all pretty much standard Presidential Campaign fare. The incumbent party and its leaders are the Problem, we the challengers, are the Solution. But of course, there’s nothing typical or standard about the Trump trip into Presidential Politics. He does not proclaim to be a team member, or even the team Captain.
To hear him tell it; he is our Voice, and he ‘alone’ can save us. Although I’m a Democratic Party-leaning, and Liberal-leaning type of guy, I’m no Huge Fan of Mrs. Clinton. To be sure, there’s plenty of ‘Baggage’ that goes along with her. However, having heard Mr. Trump last night, I am certain, now more than ever before, I want no part of living under a Trump Presidency.
Living in a nation with a Presidential Cabinet with the likes of Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani, Sen. Jeff Sessions, and/or Cong. Peter King? No Thank You, Please. Trump, in his most-restrained and well, conventional, speech, perhaps inspired by his adult children, did manage a certain degree of decorum. Especially so when his bloodthirsty crowd began chanting, ‘Lock her up!’
‘No…now…’ Trump intoned evenly, ‘Let’s defeat her in November!’ Not the typical hot-head rant or tweet we’re accustomed to from him. But, hope for Reason was soon dashed as claimed his mere presence, would restore law and order, defeat ISIS, and restore economic equity. No Policy, just ‘I am the Answer’. Being Christian, I must tell you that such language is more than just a little disturbing.
The next day, not being one to let bygones be bygones, even when it would serve him well, poked the Hornet’s Nest that is Ted Cruz. And, unable to contain his ‘Conspiracy Theory’ ways, asked – I just want to know why his (Cruz), father is on the front page of the Inquirer having lunch with crazy Lee Harvey Oswald. President Trump? Nah, I rather think not.