Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Washington Post / Others: Report Trump off to Mexico

In a markedly careless, poorly-timed bit of PR, Republican Candidate for President Donald Trump has decided on a trip to Mexico. One can only imagine the sudden demand on Logistics and Planning this stunt places on the U.S, Secret Service, the agency charged with protection for U.S. Presidential Candidates.

For its part, Mexico last week invited both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to visit, but I doubt anyone in the Mexican Government expected Trump’s people to consider taking the trip. Especially since Mexican Pres. Enrique Pena Nieto recently compared Donald Trump to Hitler, and Mussolini.

Apparently this is of little to no concern to Donald Trump and his campaign staff. It is reported that this astounding display of Showmanship and poor planning began to develop as an actual event scheduled possibly for Wed. 8/31, over this past weekend (8/27-28). It’s true that the U.S. Secret Service is supposed to be adept  at switching operations on-the-fly, but that particular ability is really supposed to be reserved for the P.O.T.U.S., not International jaunts by Candidates.
On a related note, Mexican Pres. Enrique Pena Nieto has repeatedly stated Mexico will not pay for the ‘New Great Wall’.

‘Hey Don, where ya’ going with that Wall …?’

Aside from the additional headaches posed for the U.S.S.S., what is the point of meeting face-to-face with the Mexican President to be told in-person, that he’s getting Nothing for the Wall? Nada. 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

8/27 ISIS/ISIL/IS: Battlefield

ISIS/ISIL/IS: Battlefield

One of the indicators that the enemy formerly known as ISIS is an ever-evolving foe, is that it is now called by yet another name. It seems we’re back to where we started. Once known as AQI, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, it then came to be known as the Islamic State in Iraq. ISI. As this combatant force expanded into Syria, It became the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, ISIS.
As ISIS began to gain and hold territory,  the White House and others began to refer to this dreadful foe by its more current self-proclaimed and more ambitious  moniker, Islamic State in the Levant; ISIL. The Levant is described by Miriam Webster’s and others, as the countries bordering on the                          E Mediterranean, more specifically , the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea north of the Arabian Peninsula and south of Turkey, usually including the area of Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria.
As Anti-ISIS coalition Ground and Air Forces began to implement their will against the enemy, though, ISIS was forced to give over held territory and retreat from the Battlefield. Therefore, the whole Levant notion became somewhat inaccurate and outmoded. As significant gains were made in Iraq, the ISIS tag too, became somewhat misleading. Now reduced to ever more precarious holdouts in Syria, Islamic State in Syria (IS), may also prove inadequate.
That’s’ not to say IS/ISIS is defeated, though they most certainly are in Retreat from the present Battlefield. Over time, IS, has proved a versatile foe. Although in retreat in Iraq and Syria, their versatility is on display elsewhere. Having had Time and Territory to establish, recruit, train and arm a Terrorist Force, their operations now take on a more International scope.
And with marked success. Having been responsible, or at least blamed for various deadly Global Terrorist Operations, IS has demonstrated the ability and a willingness to continue the Fight.
So while they might be in Retreat from their ‘Levant’ Battleground, the threat posed is no less great, only Different. Remembering we are not just fighting an Enemy, but an Ideology, our efforts too, must adapt to become no less great, only Different.

Friday, August 19, 2016


Jos. R. Walsh  8/19/16

I understand that this is a topic that’s been covered extensively and may seem to be Old News. I’m personally confident though, as November 8th draws ever closer, we’ll be hearing plenty more of this conversation.

In comparison of various Official and Semi-Official findings, one thing is clear. And that is that not everything is clear.

Unfortunately, but none too surprisingly given the present Toxic Political Climate, Congressional Reports on the incident are Partisan. The Congressional Democratic participants state that this Partisan response is the result of exclusion of the Minority party in the final findings.

Giving credence to Democrat’s claim of partisanship is observation of a public comment by Republican Committee Member Mike McCarthy (R –California): “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable right? But we put together a Benghazi Special Committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping," McCarthy said. "Why? Cause she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought and made that happen,” he told Fox News host Sean Hannity. Wednesday Sep 30, 2015 ·

 So, Rep. McCarthy, the point of the House Select Committee on Benghazi was to ‘Drop Hillary Clinton’s Numbers’?

 ‘the minority report released June 27, the Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi said that “it remains unclear to this day precisely what motivated all of the individuals in Benghazi on the night of the attacks.” The report quoted former CIA Director David Petraeus as saying, “I’m still not absolutely certain what absolutely took place … and to be candid with you, I am not sure that the amount of scrutiny spent on this has been in the least bit worth it.”

From The Minority Report:  “We deeply regret that this report is not bipartisan.  In May, we asked Chairman Trey Gowdy to work with us on a joint report with conclusions we could all agree on, followed by areas on which we may disagree.  We also offered to provide him with a draft of our report in advance.  But Chairman Gowdy mocked our request as “mildly amusing.”

“We are issuing our own report today because, after spending more than two years and $7 million in taxpayer funds in one of the longest and most partisan congressional investigations in history, it is long past time for the Select Committee to conclude its work.  Despite our repeated requests over the last several months, Republicans have refused to provide us with a draft of their report—or even a basic outline—making it impossible for us to provide input and obvious that we are being shut out of the process .

In Fairness, The House Select Committee on Benghazi Report:

The main focus of the Report is on Communication. And not just necessarily the all-important communication among The White House, State Department, and the State Department Benghazi Mission Compound,(a Temporary State Dept. Office), the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, and various Defense Dept., State Dept., CIA, and other Security Agencies in Libya and Europe.  A concentrated focus, amounting to a majority of the Committee’s Time and Effort, was placed on internal communication among The White House, State Dept., and various other Government Officials, After the Attack. The focus of this avenue of inquiry was to discredit initial statements by the Officials, that the Attack was a response to an offensive YouTube Video which inspired protests elsewhere in the Muslim World, most notably, but not exclusively, Egypt.

The overriding aim of the Select Committee’s Investigation appears to be, proof, that the Obama Administration, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lied to the public about the precise cause of the Attack: early on, several key Administration Officials, and indeed the Secretary of State herself, expressed the opinion that the Attack sprung from a mass protest over the Muslim- offending video. 

Congressional Republicans adopted the stance that this amounted to Government Officials lying to the Public about the exact nature of the deadly Attack. Administration Officials responded to these charges stating that there were in fact, other violent incidents across the Region, including just a week prior in Benghazi, regarding the video. The Obama Administration, including Sec. Clinton, said this was the basis of their initial statements.

In her first public statement, the Secretary of State referred to the video, but made no mention of terrorists or a terrorist attack. An hour later, she sent an email to her daughter, Chelsea, that made no reference to the video, and blamed “an al Qaeda-like group.”

Therefore, actual proof that Sec. Clinton said one thing in Public, and something else in ‘Private’ conversation with her daughter. (Ooohh –‘Lock Her Up’!)

The value of Hillary Clinton’s after-the-fact opinion of what exactly sparked this deadly attack, and what she said to whom about it, after-the-fact, is debatable. Some say it is highly relevant as it exposes her as being ‘untrustworthy’. Others, like Former Army Command General and CIA Director David Petraeus, say entirely too much time and effort and money has been spent on investigating and broadcasting the finer points of who opined what to whom, after the Attack.

As far as the Obama Administration and Sec. Clinton saying certain things in ‘Private’, and other things to the Public, well, that’s been going on in National Security matters since General, and then President, Geo. Washington. Do we have any recent examples of a Secretary of State making Public Statements that differed from the precise facts? Does the name Colin Powell ring a bell?

Mixed Message

 It’s clear from the information contained in the Select Committee Report that the White House, State Dept., FBI, CIA, and others, were not entirely clear, or in synch about the relevancy of the impact of the Anti-Muslim Youtube Video, leading up to, and at the time of the Attack. It seems to me at least, that the Report indicates the cohesion around that point occurred in the immediate aftermath, and subsequent to this dreadful episode. It also seems apparent that Sec. Clinton, and those speaking publicly on her behalf, failed to discard the inaccurate observation. To the point that this is an indication of Sec. Clinton’s being “untrustable”, I think goes a bit too far.

Also, it should be noted here that the Select Committee did not focus entirely on the controversy around the Youtube Video. Appropriately, the Committee made inroads into causes and conditions surrounding the Attack. Inappropriately though, the Committee engaged in a bit of a partisan witch- hunt to lay blame for the Attack solely at the feet of the Obama Administration, while excusing the Congress from any responsibility whatever. Congress is responsible for “timely and appropriate funding” of Security for Foreign Embassies. Congress cut $270 Million from President Obama’s Budget for Embassy Security prior to the Benghazi Attack. How much that contributed to the many failures at Benghazi is an on-going debate. Either way, Congress does indeed play a significant role here, but there is nothing about that mentioned in the Congressional Republican Select Committee Report.  

 The Minority Report however, does address Congress’s Role.

 P. 313x314 Minority Report: Recommendations -

*Congress should provide the State Department with funding, support, and authorities sufficient to construct, maintain, and improve overseas diplomatic facilities to meet security requirements and protect American diplomats in today’s challenging security environments. * Congress should continue to provide consistent, sufficient funding to ensure that the State Department can complete construction of the Foreign Affairs Security Training Center in Fort Pickett, Virginia in a timely manner, which will help ensure that Diplomatic Security agents are well prepared to protect U.S. personnel and their families overseas. * Congress should work with the State Department to approve new dual-compensation waiver authorities to permit more experienced agents to fill staffing gaps to help ensure that U.S. diplomatic facilities are fully staffed with security personnel.

* Congress should amend federal law to allow for “best value” contracting for local guards, rather than the cheapest available alternative that meets minimum standards, to improve the quality of contracted local guards protecting U.S. facilities and diplomats abroad.

For its part, the Select Committee’s Report made only one Congressional Funding recommendation, that being that the Security Training Center at Fort Pickett, VA, be appropriately funded in a timely manner.

Security Budget

An additional issue adding to the confusion of the Benghazi Attack is that the facility itself was a ‘Shared Facility’ by Dept. of State and CIA.

Following the September 11, 2012 attack on U.S. government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, the independent Benghazi Accountability Review Board (ARB) on December 19, 2012, issued 29 recommendations (24 of which were unclassified) to the Department of State. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2014/01/219760.htm

A key finding in the ARB report was: “Security in Benghazi was not recognized and implemented as a ‘shared responsibility’ by the bureaus in Washington charged with supporting the post, resulting in stove-piped discussions and decisions on policy and security. That said, Embassy Tripoli did not demonstrate strong and sustained advocacy with Washington for increased security for Special Mission Benghazi.”

 State Department officials were specifically asked if a lack of financial resources played a role in the attack. The answer was no. DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF STATE CHARLENE LAMB

That said, there is also Testimony in Committee Report that Ms. Lamb responded to requests for additional Security in Benghazi with the Statement ‘There are no available resources…’ for increased Security.

All said and done, the conclusions come down to, as they do with most historic failures, is that there’s plenty of blame to go around. Secretary Clinton most certainly made some disturbing mistakes here, mostly after-the-fact. These mistakes do not rise to the level of criminality. As to her ‘Trustworthiness’ I think it lands squarely equal to most    Politicians:  Typical.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Trump Must Be Abandoned

Trump has gone from controversial to Dangerous. I had initially intended to write a blog about Sec.  Hillary Clinton’s problems with the Benghazi Disaster, but Trump has forced that aside, for now. (More on that later).

 For now, it is time for even-tempered, clear-thinking Republicans everywhere to disavow Donald Trump and his Presidential Bid.

When the other day, Trump made his notorious ‘Second Amendment People’ pondering, I saw the fast & furious, and appropriate condemnation, I decided that there ‘d been enough said. However, pardon one observation – the Defense raised by Rudy Giuliani, Mike Pence, and others, was so absurd, it bears comment.

The complete fantasy that Trump was talking about Political Action is so blatantly False, that simple examination of his remarks exposes the Lie. Trump said "Hillary wants to abolish -- essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know,".  

Hillary Clinton ‘gets to pick’, After she is elected. So Trump says, then; perhaps  “Second Amendment People”, could do ‘Something’. “Second Amendment People”, (As in those who are legally in possession of Lethal Firearms), could do ‘something’, After she’s elected? What is That supposed to mean? Political Action by Gun-owners after she’s Elected?  I, and many others, including, Bernice King, Daughter of slain Civil Rights Leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., heard something else.

 "As the daughter of a leader who was assassinated, I find #Trump's comments distasteful, disturbing, dangerous," she tweeted. The Nephews of both John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy also condemned the thinly-veiled Gun Talk as 'Revulsive'.
The United States Secret Service, charged with the protection of among other U.S. Officials, Presidential Candidates, also found the remarks ‘Concerning’. The Secret Service had “more than one conversation’’ with Trump Officials about the remarks, according to CNN. Trump says there was no such meeting. Who do you believe?

  In the continuing Trump disaster of Presidential Polling, a recent Monmouth University poll found 27% of those asked believed that Trump had the proper temperament to be President. 67% of respondents favored Hillary Clinton for proper temperament.

Prior to discussing Second Amendment solutions, Trump said Hillary Clinton is the Devil:

After my trying to leave the Second Amendment Incident alone, Trump went ever further off the Deep End by pronouncing that   Pres. Obama, Hillary Clinton were the ‘founders of ISIS’.

Prior to Trump proclaiming that Pres. Obama is the founder of ISIS, and Hillary Clinton co-founder, Trump was already in Political trouble. Arizona is a historically Republican State. According to realclearpolitics.com , Trump and Hillary Clinton are in an almost dead-even Tie there. And long-time Republican Senator John McCain is just over 5 points ahead of Democratic Challenger Ann Kirkpatrick. (Perhaps Sen McCain might want to re-think the whole Donald Trump-thing?)

Also, in the key swing-state of Pennsylvania, Clinton has a 9 point lead. Another Presidential swing-state, Ohio, Clinton holds a 2.6 point lead. In Florida, Clinton has a slim 2 point lead. Nationally overall, according to RCP, Clinton holds a 6 point lead, with both Fox and NBC showing her with a 10 Point lead.

When continuously escalating Gun Violence tragedies cause some Politicians to propose Common-Sense Regulations, others over-react with vitriolic, ominous ‘Second Amendment Abolishment’ rhetoric. Whether one sees Regulation of Firearms as a threat to the Second Amendment or not, there is no Hillary Clinton plot to ‘Abolish’ the Second Amendment. But the notion is certainly an appealing attention-grabber.   

Let us then examine the Trump narrative of Obama/Clinton:

First, Pres. Obama is actually a Secret Kenyan Muslim. This has been proven an absurd lie, though Trump has not been called to account for his promotion of this persistent falsehood.

Second, Hillary Clinton is not just Evil; she is actually The Devil.

Third, The Devil Clinton is ‘coming for your guns’! She needs to be stopped by Second Amendment Defenders.

Finally, She and the Muslim Kenyan Obama, are the co-founders of ISIS, (which is in fact, presently the most dangerous threat to Civilized Society). Therefore, These People, must be stopped.

Also, according to Trump, The Election is rigged. So if we cannot stop Them by Election, then perhaps they should be stopped After the Election.

This divisive, subversive, dangerous and slanderous ranting, and the ridiculous maniac behind it need be rejected by reasonable, fair and honest Americans of every Political Philosophy. 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

And Now: HRC


And Now; HRC

Let me please say first – Not a Huge Fan. That said, Still Better. Former First Lady, New York U.S. Senator, Former Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton, the imminently more qualified Presidential Candidate. I’m not alone here – the Nice Folks over at Fox News reported results of an 8/3 Poll which found that %56 of those polled Trust Hillary Clinton with the Nuclear Codes, as opposed to %34 for Trump.   http://www.foxnews.com/politics/interactive/2016/08/03/fox-news-poll-aug-3-2016/      (Question # 32)

 There is so much Clinton-Lore, so much ‘baggage’ here, I’m not able to address it all here, now. But I’ll do the best I can.

Where to begin? I suppose that given where we are now the first mess to address is the ‘Vanished’ State Dept. e-mails. We’ll leave for a bit later on, Benghazi, Whitewater, Pres. Clinton’s Impeachment (Not Guilty), the Clinton Foundation.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton: As part of the Investigation into the Benghazi catastrophe, the House Select Committee on Benghazi conducted a comprehensive and exhaustive Investigation into, and issued a comprehensive Report on the incident.   http://benghazi.house.gov/NewInfo

From the Committee Report:

“Committee document requests resulted in approximately 75,420 pages of new material: • The State Department produced approximately 71,640 pages of documents not previously provided to Congress. • The CIA produced 300 pages of new intelligence analyses. • The White House produced 1,450 pages of emails. • Sidney S. Blumenthal produced 179 pages of emails. • The FBI produced 200 pages of documents.  • The Defense Department produced 900 pages of documents. • The National Security Agency produced 750 pages of documents”

The next passage in the Report goes on to complain that this documentation response was Massive, ‘misleading’ and ‘inconclusive’. This Committee and especially its leadership, was made up of veteran, seasoned D.C. Insiders who had to know that when they summoned ‘All’ and ‘Every’ Documents related to Benghazi, they were going to be buried under a massive avalanche of paper.

Knowing this, they could then complain about it.

To be fair to the Committee’s complaints, it is true that Former Secretary Clinton failed to provide nearly 3,000 e-mails which she claimed were Personal in nature. This goes to the heart of the matter: Clinton’s practice of using a Private Server for Official State Department Communication. Secretary Clinton offered 2 explanations in her defense – One, that previous Secretaries had done the same thing without question or penalty, and, that there were no Classified or Secret Communications on her private account.

Subsequent investigation proved the claim about sensitive information to be false. Thus ensued a bureaucratic, administrative and investigative dispute about how and why, and when, certain items were designated Classified or Secret. Mistakes were made on both sides about the particulars of the situation, with Mrs. Clinton found to be wrong in certain instances, and correct about others. It’s the ones she was wrong about that were an issue.

Appropriately, the FBI was directed to investigate to see if any laws had been broken. As that proceeded, there was speculation in Congress, and the public, if any Criminal Charges would be brought against a member of the Obama Administration, and Democratic Presidential Candidate. Responding to inquiries about the issue, Attorney General Loretta Lynch replied that she would follow the findings and recommendations of the FBI Investigation. Despite the howling disdain of the Anti-Clinton camp, this is Standard Procedure. The FBI conducts Investigation into Criminality and reports its findings and recommendations to the Office of The Attorney General for any further action.

In this case the FBI found that there were ‘Irregularities’ and ‘Rules Violations’ by Clinton, but that these did not rise to the level of Criminal Charges. Therefore Attorney General Lynch reported that the Justice Department would not seek Charges against Hillary Clinton.

There are a variety of Lawsuits still proceeding into the affair. Some seek further action against the State Dept., and perhaps the former Secretary. With AG Lynch opting not pursue the case those are practically a dead-end. There are though continuing Freedom of Information Act cases that may or may not produce any interesting results.

I think a Judge in one of the FOIA Cases gave the most succinct observation of the debacle.   From The Washington Post:

‘U.S. District Judge Sullivan cited that email as part of the reason he ordered the State Department produce records related to its initial failures in the FOIA searches for Clinton’s records’.

‘Sullivan said legitimate questions have been raised about whether Clinton’s staff was trying to help her to sidestep FOIA’.

 “We’re talking about a Cabinet-level official who was accommodated by the government for reasons unknown to the public. And I think that’s a fair statement: For reasons heretofore unknown to the public. And all the public can do is speculate,” he said, adding: “This is all about the public’s right to know.”

That’s where things presently stand with the Clinton e-mail Investigation. Knowing all that, the findings are to me, disappointing, and disturbing. I agree however, that they do not constitute Criminal Misconduct. I would rather have in the Oval Office, a President who committed some risky procedural e-mail errors, than a man who cannot decide if knows Vladimir Putin or not.

Next; Benghazi

Monday, August 1, 2016

Astonishing Disrespect

I am shocked beyond words. And that is particularly troublesome because I am a Writer, a blogger, a Commentator. However, whenever I try to calm down enough to state some reasonable comment on Donald Trump’s response to the Gold Star Parents Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the Pakistani American parents of United States Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in 2004 during the Iraq War, I am completely flabbergasted.

Trump implied in interviews discussing the Kahn’s presentation at the recent DNC that ‘perhaps’ Mr. Khan’s statement was written by Hillary Clinton speechwriters. He also said that ‘Perhaps’ Mrs. Khan was not allowed to speak because of her Muslim Religion.

‘The liberal political group VoteVets said his statements cheapen the sacrifices of the people killed and they demanded an apology.’ (Stars & Stripes)

 “Your recent comments regarding the Khan family were repugnant, and personally offensive to us. When you question a mother's pain, by implying that her religion, not her grief, kept her from addressing an arena of people, you are attacking us,” according to a copy of the letter published online. “When you say your job building buildings is akin to our sacrifice, you are attacking our sacrifice.”

Catherine Byrne, a Military Mom with a son serving in the U.S. Air Force, asked Trump’s VP Running Mate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, to explain Trump’s lack of respect for the Khans. After first receiving a hearty round of cheers upon announcing her son’s Military Service, was widely jeered and booed by Trump supporters as she asked the question. Fickle lot, those Trump folks.

And once again my abject disgust in reaction to this pathetic response leaves me nearly breathless. Yet, there was more astounding disrespect to come.

 “I have never been around someone more devoted to the armed forces of this country,” Pence said of Trump. There is “no one more devoted to the veterans in this country.” Excuse me, Governor, we’re talking about Donald J. Trump. He’s the guy who insulted the parents of an American Soldier who made the Ultimate Sacrifice on behalf of a humbled and grateful Nation.

He’s the same Donald J. Trump who claimed to have donated $1 Million to Veteran’s Organizations. However this claim proved to be false, until After there was an investigation by Reporters. And, that inquiry revealed that although there were Donations to various Veteran’s Organizations, including one that was under Investigation for misuse of Donated Funds, Donald Trump personally, did not donate a Million Dollars. Yet, he raves on endlessly about how fantastically wealthy he is.

I think Mr. Khizr Khan summed up my reaction best when he said in more than one interview that Mr. Trump has a ‘Black Soul’. In an MSNBC Interview with Lawrence O’Donnell Monday, Mr. Khan related a story about speaking at a Military Funeral at Arlington National Cemetery, for an Army Lieutenant Killed In Action in Afghanistan. The Deceased American Solider had previously visited the Khans to discuss their Son’s Service and Sacrifice.  So let us compare the Character of Americans involved in this horribly sad episode: An American Muslim Soldier of Pakistani heritage Killed in the Line of Duty in Iraq. His Grieving, Brave, Eloquent Father, a man who spoke at the Burial Service of another Military Hero at Arlington National Cemetery. Mrs. Khan, a Gold Star Mother of a U.S. Military Hero, so pained and grief-stricken this many years later that she has great difficulty in discussing her son. And, Donald Trump.

He very-nearly reneged on the claim to make a Huge Donation to Veteran’s Organizations until that was exposed by Investigative Reporting. He said Sen. John Mc Cain was ‘not a Hero’. McCain was wounded when his U.S. Navy Aircraft was shot down over Hanoi during the Viet Nam War, and then tortured as a Prisoner of War during 6 Years of captivity. Then- Lt. Cmdr. John McCain declined early Release from captivity in order for others to be released first. ‘Not a Hero’…. Trump says he ‘prefers people who weren’t shot down’.

Let me say here and now, I am not a supporter of John McCain, but I tell you this – He is in fact, a War Hero. John McCain, after a determined and courageous Recovery/Rehabilitation from his seriously debilitating injuries, retired as a Captain, U.S.N. As a result of his dedicated and courageous Service to the United States, he’d amassed a Silver Star, Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, and other Military Service Awards. Like him or not, a War Hero.

Donald Trump called 4-Star U.S.M.C. Gen. John Allen, ‘a failed General’, “after the highly respected military veteran delivered a forceful endorsement of Trump's opponent…”  (Washington Post). “Allen is a retired four-star general who served as commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. He was President Barack Obama's top choice to oversee U.S. and NATO operations in Europe, but instead he retired to assist his wife with chronic health issues. He came out of retirement in 2014 when the President named him Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter the Islamic State in 2014, a position he held for a year.” Trump said he was a 'Loser’.

‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do (say) nothing’. Edmund Burke

I therefore, cannot say Nothing.  jw