Thursday, August 4, 2016

And Now: HRC


And Now; HRC

Let me please say first – Not a Huge Fan. That said, Still Better. Former First Lady, New York U.S. Senator, Former Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton, the imminently more qualified Presidential Candidate. I’m not alone here – the Nice Folks over at Fox News reported results of an 8/3 Poll which found that %56 of those polled Trust Hillary Clinton with the Nuclear Codes, as opposed to %34 for Trump.      (Question # 32)

 There is so much Clinton-Lore, so much ‘baggage’ here, I’m not able to address it all here, now. But I’ll do the best I can.

Where to begin? I suppose that given where we are now the first mess to address is the ‘Vanished’ State Dept. e-mails. We’ll leave for a bit later on, Benghazi, Whitewater, Pres. Clinton’s Impeachment (Not Guilty), the Clinton Foundation.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton: As part of the Investigation into the Benghazi catastrophe, the House Select Committee on Benghazi conducted a comprehensive and exhaustive Investigation into, and issued a comprehensive Report on the incident.

From the Committee Report:

“Committee document requests resulted in approximately 75,420 pages of new material: • The State Department produced approximately 71,640 pages of documents not previously provided to Congress. • The CIA produced 300 pages of new intelligence analyses. • The White House produced 1,450 pages of emails. • Sidney S. Blumenthal produced 179 pages of emails. • The FBI produced 200 pages of documents.  • The Defense Department produced 900 pages of documents. • The National Security Agency produced 750 pages of documents”

The next passage in the Report goes on to complain that this documentation response was Massive, ‘misleading’ and ‘inconclusive’. This Committee and especially its leadership, was made up of veteran, seasoned D.C. Insiders who had to know that when they summoned ‘All’ and ‘Every’ Documents related to Benghazi, they were going to be buried under a massive avalanche of paper.

Knowing this, they could then complain about it.

To be fair to the Committee’s complaints, it is true that Former Secretary Clinton failed to provide nearly 3,000 e-mails which she claimed were Personal in nature. This goes to the heart of the matter: Clinton’s practice of using a Private Server for Official State Department Communication. Secretary Clinton offered 2 explanations in her defense – One, that previous Secretaries had done the same thing without question or penalty, and, that there were no Classified or Secret Communications on her private account.

Subsequent investigation proved the claim about sensitive information to be false. Thus ensued a bureaucratic, administrative and investigative dispute about how and why, and when, certain items were designated Classified or Secret. Mistakes were made on both sides about the particulars of the situation, with Mrs. Clinton found to be wrong in certain instances, and correct about others. It’s the ones she was wrong about that were an issue.

Appropriately, the FBI was directed to investigate to see if any laws had been broken. As that proceeded, there was speculation in Congress, and the public, if any Criminal Charges would be brought against a member of the Obama Administration, and Democratic Presidential Candidate. Responding to inquiries about the issue, Attorney General Loretta Lynch replied that she would follow the findings and recommendations of the FBI Investigation. Despite the howling disdain of the Anti-Clinton camp, this is Standard Procedure. The FBI conducts Investigation into Criminality and reports its findings and recommendations to the Office of The Attorney General for any further action.

In this case the FBI found that there were ‘Irregularities’ and ‘Rules Violations’ by Clinton, but that these did not rise to the level of Criminal Charges. Therefore Attorney General Lynch reported that the Justice Department would not seek Charges against Hillary Clinton.

There are a variety of Lawsuits still proceeding into the affair. Some seek further action against the State Dept., and perhaps the former Secretary. With AG Lynch opting not pursue the case those are practically a dead-end. There are though continuing Freedom of Information Act cases that may or may not produce any interesting results.

I think a Judge in one of the FOIA Cases gave the most succinct observation of the debacle.   From The Washington Post:

‘U.S. District Judge Sullivan cited that email as part of the reason he ordered the State Department produce records related to its initial failures in the FOIA searches for Clinton’s records’.

‘Sullivan said legitimate questions have been raised about whether Clinton’s staff was trying to help her to sidestep FOIA’.

 “We’re talking about a Cabinet-level official who was accommodated by the government for reasons unknown to the public. And I think that’s a fair statement: For reasons heretofore unknown to the public. And all the public can do is speculate,” he said, adding: “This is all about the public’s right to know.”

That’s where things presently stand with the Clinton e-mail Investigation. Knowing all that, the findings are to me, disappointing, and disturbing. I agree however, that they do not constitute Criminal Misconduct. I would rather have in the Oval Office, a President who committed some risky procedural e-mail errors, than a man who cannot decide if knows Vladimir Putin or not.

Next; Benghazi

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