Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Latest Post -    7/18/18    Jos. R. Walsh

I see a Troubled Man...

 Who cares really, who's peeing on whom behind closed doors?
 I care not, really, to be the arbiter of Anyone's Sexual Conduct. I'm not implying that those 'salacious' allegations against Donald Trump are valid. My point is, even if they are, Who Cares?  

I've changed my point of view of Mr. Trump. I've seen him as a manipulating, tricky sneak. And, if you'll read my previous post, a Russian Agent.;postID=8711345003791587374;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=postname
 I still believe all those things may be true. However, 
I now have a different perspective: I see a troubled man. The Russians most certainly have Something on Donald J. Trump, and they are holding it over him, and he's scared. I see a Victim, a Hostage.

Mr. Trump is quite obviously a reckless and feckless individual. This, in the end, will be his undoing. 
By his poor conduct, he's made himself available for extortion. I believe that by the time of Trump's appearance in Moscow for his vaunted  Miss Universe Pageant in 2013, he was, as an American Celebrity and notorious Financier, of at least some interest to Russian Intelligence Operators. As such, he was under their attention, surveillance, and quite possibly, entrapment. 

There is endless valid evidence that at the time leading up to, at the time of, 
and after the Pageant, Trump was in overwhelming financial trouble. There is  voluminous evidence that  Russian Oligarchs, Putin's Gang, were aware of  Trump's problems and eager to provide relief. Thus came Mr. Trump, a careless and amoral player, into their grip.   

Observing Mr. Trump in the presence of his Captor, Putin, I saw a cowed and panicked man. Looking into his eyes, I saw a scared rabbit. I saw a captive, a Victim. If seen in that light, Trump's bizarre behavior makes sense. To quote Rachel Maddow -   ' the inexplicable becomes explicable'. 

I believe that Trump's sexual adventures are the least of his problems with Putin. Although they may be humiliating, no one is going throw Trump in jail for his alleged Moscow escapades. Money-Laundering, Bank Fraud, Conspiracy to Defraud, are Crimes often resulting in Conviction and often Incarceration. I think these are things causing Mr. Trump sleepless nights and hysterical Twitter Rants.  I believe This is Why Trump goes on endlessly about his 'massive' and 'brilliant' Presidential 
Campaign. He needs to ceaselessly remind everyone paying attention that he Won. He defeated the Evil and Scandalous Hillary Clinton, and it is he, who is now the undisputed Champion.

Special Counsel Robt.Mueller  is now well along the way of 'following the money'. With the Indictment and Incarceration of his Campaign Manager, Paul Manifort, himself a notorious and desperate International Financier with nefarious Russian connections, the Guilty Plea of Gen. Mike Flynn, again a suspicious individual with dubious Russian connections, the seizure by Federal Prosecutors of Trump's Attorney/Fixer Micheal Cohen's Records and various Documentation, all lead to the inevitable conclusion that Donald Trump is in deep trouble with the U.S. Justice System.

Trump's bizarre contortions in avoiding any conflict with Putin will ultimately prove useless at the end of Mueller's Investigation as he moves into Prosecution of the Offenders. Truth will Out. And as Sad and Deplorable as it all is, the Truth will ultimately set Trump Free of Putin's 'Kidnapping'. It will however end in Mr. Trump having to face American Justice. How that will all play-out still remains somewhat of a Constitutional Mystery - the unresolved issue of the Indictment of a sitting U.S. President.    
My Good Friend in Binghamton, Pat Foster, says: 'The Truth will set you Free. It may hurt like hell for a little while; but it will set you Free eventually'.
True That, Pat, Thanks ! jw
p.s. If you enjoy my Reporting, Please check-out my New Novel - '11/11 ...'


Friday, July 13, 2018

Latest blog:7/13/18 D.J.Trump -Russian Operative

 Friday, 7/13/2018                                     Jos. R. Walsh

Donald Trump: Russian Operative -Stunning, Daring Reporting.

Todays Indictments makes clearer the prospect that Donald J. Trump is in fact a Russian Federation Operative. DOJ Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein announced Indictments today of 12 Russian GRU Operators charged with hacking into Democratic Party Computer and e-mail systems, and further, that the purpose of the thefts of information was to sabotage the Democratic Party 2016 Presidential Campaign. The Indictments reveal that stolen information was as intended, subsequently transmitted by Russian Operators to WikiLeaks for public disclosure.
Once again, July 27, 2016 is mentioned as a precisely specific date on which Russian Intelligence Operatives worked intensively to hack into Democratic Party Systems. Not coincidentally, it is the same date on which Donald Trump made his infamous plea to Russian Operators to find former Secretary of State and Democratic Candidate Hillary Clintons missing e-mails. Russia, if youre listening, Trump announced for all the world to hear, If you can find the missing e-mails, Im sure youll be greatly rewarded for finding the e-mails.
In the time since most observers, myself included, found this a stunning coincidence. No Longer. Special Counsel Robert Mullers investigation has made significant effort, in its continuous Indictments, to specify this date as significant in the Russian intrusion into the 2016 Presidential Election.
When the information from this latest round of Indictments is viewed in the context of all the information previously disclosed in Official Investigation legal filings, validated information reported by Investigative Journalists, and various publically available information, combined with Donald J. Trumps remarkable behavior and comments regarding all and anything involving Russia and Vladimir Putin, the often inevitable conclusion is confirmed Trump is in fact, acting in concert with the Russian Federation at the highest Office of U.S. Government.
There you go Mr. President, I have publically called you out in print, as a Russian Spy. Sue me, prove me wrong.  Take me to court and lets have it-out; Prove me a Liar who has publically defamed and maligned you.
Russian Federation President Vladimir Putins agenda for the U.S., and Western Democracies is patently obvious to undermine Western alliances and Western Democratic processes. Everything Pres. Trump has recently done serves the Russian Dictators intentions. Meeting with North Korean Dictator, the Dear Leader, Kim Jon Un, without regular established U.S. Diplomatic process, and granting concessions which weaken the U.S. Military posture on the peninsula, with little to nothing to show from the North Korean Regime. This diplomatic debacle had to please Putin.
The G-7 is a confederation of Western Economic allies. Trump publicly plead for Russian reinstatement to the group. He then publicly berated the Western Partners, traveled to the Conference in Canada, and engaged in a highly-public dispute with the Partners. Then, he obviously reluctantly agreed to a Joint Communique issued at the conclusion of the Conference. As Air Force One flew off to Singapore to grant unwarranted concessions to the North Korean Strongman Un, he rescinded his endorsement and scolded Canadian Prime Minister, and staunch U.S. ally, Justin Treadeau. Trump later unilaterally and quite possibly illegally, inexplicably imposed punitive, harsh tariffs against our steadfast ally and reliable Trading Partner, Canada, citing of all things; U.S. Security concerns. Yeah, our Northern Menace, Canada. Putin must have been delighted.
And now, off to Brussels to meet with our 70 + Year Military, (and Trade), Alliance: NATO. Putin would love nothing more in his lifetime than a weakened and fractured NATO Alliance. Ever compliant, Trump fought with the allies, engaged in now-typical public humiliation of the partners, and threatened U.S. withdrawal. Vladimir Putin could not have been happier. Delighting Putin further, Trump engaged in public humiliation of British Prime Minister Theresa May, praising her political rival Boris Johnson. All of this has saved Vladimir Putin a great deal of time and trouble.
Now, Trump is off for another free-lance, unconditional one on one meeting with a murderous dictator and U.S. foe. This time, its his Puppet master, Putin.
They have eyes, but Do Not See…’.  

Jeremiah 5:21 New Jeremiah 5:21 New King James Version (NKJVKing James Version (NKJV

 Believe That Which You See.
See Ya in Court, Donnie! (balkbalkbalk)